
University of Maryland, College Park

Computer Science Department - College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

CMSC818: Information-Centric Design of Computer Systems

A graduate-level course on understanding how information and its representation affects the design of computer systems. Particular attention will be focused on the notion of context, especially time and location.

Spring 2010 - Project Planner
Spring 2009 - Assistant

In spring 2009, assisted course instructor with class materials and web page updates. In addition to the duties in spring 2009, the spring 2010 semester also included the complete design projects the class has to undertake as well as maintaining a Rover server for use in class. Provided assistance for spring 2009 and spring 2010 classes in an unofficial capacity.

CMSC214: Introduction to Computer Science II

Elementary data structures, recursion, and object-oriented programming using C++.

Spring 2004 - Head Laboratory Instructor
Fall 2003 - Laboratory Instructor

Led bi-weekly recitation sections and graded exams for the second course in the introductory computer science major sequence. Developed project 5 for the spring 2004 semester. This project introduced programming basic graph representations and traversal algorithms. This included creating documentation, skeleton code, and test suites for grading.

New York University

Computer Science Department - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

V22.0102-001: Introduction to Computer Science II (Honors)

The use and design of data structures, which organize information in computer memory. Stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees: how to implement them in a high level language, how to analyze their effect on algorithm efficiency, and how to modify them. Programming assignments.

Spring 2002 - E-Tutor

Assisted students through e-mail and graded all course projects in the second course in the computer science major, intended for honors students.

V22.0101-001: Introduction to Computer Science I (Honors)

Students learn how to design algorithms to solve problems and how to translate these algorithms into working computer programs. Experience is acquired through programming projects in a high level programming language.

Fall 2001 - E-Tutor

Assisted students through e-mail and graded all course projects in the first course of the computer science major sequence, intended for honors students.